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New Word template to Kameleon (long formula)

Points to consider

  1. Logo: Does the document use same logo as defined in Companies?

  2. Footer: Does the document use same footer as defined in Company unit?

  3. Layout template: What kind of styles there are in the document? What are the marginals? What is a color scheme of the document?

  4. Meta fields: Which meta fields are used in the document? Are they displayed on the document, are they transferred to SharePoint?

  5. Document's content: Is there a ready-made text in the document

If the document template is totally different than any other document in your Kameleon templates, you can make it as document content that has everything made ready.

Do I need a new layout template:



We want to create a document template which has different layout than other templates.

  • There is a different footer

  • In the header there are some different meta fields (Author’s Department / Author’s name and Order number)

  • Styles: The body text is indented to 2,3 cm from the margin and Headings have no numbering.

  • We need to create a layout template with the above styles and footer


Meta fields

Begin by creating meta fields. We need to use them later in the layout template.

  1. Create a new metagroup for author fields and combined metafield department_and_name


  2. Create metafield confirmation order

Layout template

Create a new layout template in the Portal’s layout templates

  1. Download existing layout

  2. Rename downloaded template in the Windows explorer


  3. Drag it to the portal


  4. Open the layout template to Word with Content tool

  5. Change styles



  6. Add Footer (because we have different footer in this document than normally)

  7. Check and change metafields in the header

    1. Delete Author name -content control and add DepartmentAndName


    2. Delete unnecessary content controls and add Confirmation number content control.

    3. Split and merge cells in the header if needed (it is easier to control their places if they are in the table, but it is not necessary to have a table in the header or footer).

    4. If you want that the user can choose whether there are page numbers in the document or not when creating it, you should use bookmark dFieldpages in the First Page Header. You can add bookmark with the Insert -ribbon’s Bookmark button.


  8. Upload the changed layout template to the portal

If the document has different first page (Layout - Page setup), Header and Footer changes has to be done to the First Page Header / footer and also to the Header (in the second page of the document).


Use bookmark dFieldpages2 if you need page numbers also to the other pages than first page.

Document’s content

Create Document’s content. Create Document category if needed and drag the document content to the document category.

  1. Save your document without header and footer.

  2. Give it a suitable name.

  3. Drag it to the portal.

  4. Create document’s definitions (more info in Create/Update document panel)

    1. General


    2. Layout
      Because there is a ready-made footer in the document template, the user must not add footer.

    3. Metafields
      Select which metafields are shown in the document

  5. Open the document with Content tool if you want to place metafields to the document’s content

  6. Upload it back to portal

Test your document template

Now your document template is ready for testing.

  1. Check that your Kameleon is in test mode (New document can be seen only in test mode before it has been published)

  2. Select document

  3. Fill meta data information

  4. Create document

  5. Correct layout template, metafields, content or definitions if needed.

Publish your document template

If everything is ok, publish your document.

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