Create/Update document -panel
All information of documents is saved to Document -panel in portal. Panel contains five tabs:
Display name: Document name to show in Kameleon Office taskpane
Description: Tiptext of document to show in Kameleon Office taskpane
Software: Software of content. Ready selected by content files filetype
Layout template: Layout template to use as a base of new document
Authors: Author responsible for document content
Default values for new document. Toggle on/off.
Page number: Page number to document, located to pagenumber placeholder. Note that there has to be bookmark named “dFieldpages” in the document if you use this option. If the document has different first page or many sections, there has to bookmarks named “dFieldpages2”, “dFielpages3” etc. in the second page or in the next section.
Logo: Select if you want the logo to be used in the document. Logo in document is based on selected authors company. Logo can be located on document only when author has selected company.
Footer: Select if you want the footer to be used in the document. Footer can be located on document only when author has selected both company and unit
These options can also been locked so that the user can not change them.
Available phrase categories: You can choose which phrase categories are available for the document. All categories (with the same language as document) are available as default.
Recommended phrases: List of phrases which are recommended to use with document. Open list and select phrases to recommend.
Metafields are from meta group or added directly to the content.
Meta groups -menu opens the list of available metagroups. When metagroup is selected, all metafields saved to meta group will be added to contents metafield.
Document fields: + -button opens metafield-panel to add new metafield to content.
Saving-panel contains:
control how the documents default file name is generated
locking options to default saving location
default saving location of document
File name
The file name is created when uploading the document into SharePoint. Contents metafields can be used as a part of filename.

Add metafield by clicking the button on the right end of row
Select metafield to add from list,
to add next metafields open list again and add all needed metafieldsMetafield is shown within {{ }} -marks.
Add charachters before, between or after metafields
Example: {{documenttype}}-{{date}}-{{Title}} → Offer-3.5.2024-Kameleon templates.docx
Lock to default location:
Locking options:
Unlocked: Default saving location is set, but it can be changed by end-user
Lock to location and subfolders: Default save location is set and end-user can change it to subfolders of default location
Lock to location: Default save location is set and it cannot be changed
Default location

Default saving location can be set to SharePoint or Teams.
Select SharePoint or Teams and browse to library where default saving location is meant to be.

When SharePoint or Teams is selected, there is search-row to find right library.