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Meta groups

This article shows how to create meta groups to use in document contents. Metagroups can contain multiple metafields which belong together and are used together.

There are two types of metagroups:

  • Basic groups: A group of metafields made by creating them directly to metagroup

  • Data driven metagroups: Contains mainfields and subfields. Selection in mainfield affect to subfields and gives default values to it. Data driven metagroups are based on values coming from Data sources.

Metagroups are linked to document content. Every change made in metagroup effects to every document content which uses metagroup.

Inside portal navigate to Data > Meta groups

Create basic meta group

  1. Press New-button to open Create meta group -panel

  2. Give Name to meta group

  3. Add metafields to metagroup

  4. Press Create-button to create and save meta group

Create meta field

  1. Open meta group for edit or create new meta group

  2. Press Add new -link in Metafields partition to open Add metafield -panel

  3. Fill-in fields

  4. Press Add-button to save metafield and add it to metagroup



Field type:

Normal: Metafield is created with values given in this panel

Built in: Kameleon author information is used as document metadata

Combined: Metafield is combination of other metafields in this metagroup
e.g. Author department / Author name. Read how to create combined metafields.

Overriden: Used automatically by portal and used only when metafield in document content is overriden

Name: Name of metafield, used in documents placeholders when metafield value is written to document

Software: Selected softwares where metafield is to show and use

Read-only: Checked when end user only sees metafield value, but cannot change it

Required: Checked when metafield value is required


Control type:

Textbox: Normal text field for end user to write value or it can have default value

Combobox: List to open, end user selects value from predefined list

Editable combobox: List to open, end user selects value from predefined list or end user can write a value of them own.

Date: Date picker field.

Use current date: Used with date-control. Default value to document is current date. The format of the date comes from Languages > Language panel

Checkbox: Normal checkbox

Default value: Default value (written or selected from list) to document

Control list: Used with combobox and editable combobox. Select list from where to add list items

Display names

Finnish: Control's label when Office language is in Finnish

English: Control's label when Office language is other than Finnish

Display names should be added to all languages used in your company’s Kameleon.

Meta information

Usage in PowerPoint: Select one of PowerPoint's internal fields for metafield values placeholder

Summary info name: Select one of document's summary info fields in which metafield value is written

SharePoint column name: If SharePoint column's displayname is different from columns internalname, internalname is the one to use

Custom property name: Name of customproperty where metafield's value is written. If customproperty does not exists, it will be added.

Edit metafield

  1. Inside portal navigate to Data > Meta groups

  2. Open meta group for edit

  3. Click metafield to open Edit metafield -panel

  4. Make changes to fields

  5. Press Update-button to save metafield

Data driven metagroups

Values to data driven metagroups come from Data sources. Admin user can choose what data source columns are used as key and display name for list items

Data driven metagroups contain mainfields and subfields. Columns, selected in datasource, are choose to be either mainfield or subfield.

In Kameleon Office end-user selection of mainfield value fills in subfield values.

Create data driven metagroup

  1. Press New-button to open Create meta group -panel

  2. Select data source to use

  3. Give name to meta group

  4. Press Create-button to create and save meta group

Add main field

  1. Press Add new -link in Main fields tab to open Add main field -panel

  2. Select Data column to use

  3. Give Name for main field. Name is used in documents placeholders when main field value is written to document

Add sub field

  1. Select Sub fields -tab and press Add new -link in to open Add sub field -panel

  2. Select Data column to use

  3. Give Name for sub field. Name is used in documents placeholders when sub field value is written to document

Display names

Finnish: Controls label when Office language is in Finnish

English: Controls label when Office language is other than Finnish

Meta information

Summary info name: Select one of documents summary info fields in which metafield value is written

SharePoint column name: If SharePoint columns displayname is different from columns internalname, internalname is the one to use

Custom property name: Name of customproperty where metafields value is written. If customproperty does not exists, it will be added.

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