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Word footers


Word footers can be used in Word documents. Every company unit has a word footer, which is the layout of footer.

Supported formats for Word footer: .docx

Create footer document

Create a normal Word document, the document can be based on a layout template so it gets styles automatically.

Footer layout is a table in Word document. Create a table and format it the way it should appear in documents. Format fonts, colors, and table cells height and width.

Add placeholders for addresses

Use Content Tool to add company and unit placeholders to cells, where language-specific company and unit data should be shown.

Add placeholders for terms

Use Content Tool to add placeholders for language-specific terms. Placeholders will be replaced with language-specific terms.

How to add terms

Create footer

  1. Inside Portal, navigate to Branding > Word footers

  2. Press the New button and select the footer file from the file dialog window

Edit Footer

  1. Click the Edit button to open the update footer panel

  2. Edit and click Save button

Edit Footer file

  1. Select the Footer file to download

  2. Click the Download button

  3. Edit the footer table in Word

  4. Edit address and term placeholders with Content Tool

Upload the Footer file to Portal

  1. Select Footer to upload

  2. Click the Upload button to open the file dialog window

  3. Select the file and click Open

Delete Footer

  1. Select Footer

  2. Click Delete button

Download a previous version of a footer file

  1. Select Footer and click the File history button

  2. Download a file by clicking the down arrow next to the file name

Document with a different footer

If you need a document with a different footer, create a new layout template. More about Layout templates.

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