Kameleon documents by default have a logo turned on or off. Users can also change this selection when creating a document. If logo is enabled, it will be selected based on the users' company.
Every company has a logo. You can use the same logo for every company, or it can be company-specific. Supported file types for a logo are .jpg, .jpeg, .png.
Inside Portal, navigate to Branding > Logos
Adding a logo
Add logo
By pressing the New button.
By dragging and dropping 1 or more files into the page.
Editing a logo
Select logo by clicking it on the list
Edit name, position, or size by pressing the Edit button
Change image-file by pressing the Upload file button
Logo panel
Name: Used only inside Portal for identifying the logo.
Position: Logo position inside the pages where it is used. WORD
Size: Size of the logo inside the document. If not provided, the size of the original image will be used.