Kameleon documents will always be created in a certain language. Languages are also used in other data, such as phrases, terms and lists.
Inside Portal, navigate to Data > Languages
Adding languages
Add a language by pressing the New button
Select language name from the dropdown, and modify the Date format, if needed.
Save language by pressing the Save button at the bottom of the panel
Editing languages
Select the language by clicking it on the list
Edit date format or language name inside the language panel
Save language by pressing the Save button at the bottom of the panel
Language panel
Name will be used to identify the language inside Portal. Name contains the language Name, its language code, and area code, as per ISO 639-1 Language Code and ISO 3166-1 Country Code standards.
Date format will determine how date values are formatted in Kameleon documents. When you select a language name, for example, Finnish, the default formatting of dates for this language will automatically be filled in. However, this can also be manually changed by modifying the field value.
More info about the date formatting can be found here: