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Deployment Quick Start Guide

In this page describes the first steps for using Kameleon

User groups help in organizing users by their specific roles and simplify management tasks by allowing administrators to set permissions for multiple users at once. E.g. create two separate groups name Kameleon users and Kameleon Content tool users

Granting admin consent to an application allows all users to access the application unless otherwise restricted. Users who are not defined in the kameleon portal cannot log in there

Centralized deployment is the way to distribute the utility to user groups

  1. Create user groups for Kameleon and Content tool

  1. Grant consent for Kameleon Portal application

  1. Deploy Kameleon for end users in the Microsoft 365 Admin center

  1. Deploy Kameleon Content tool for portal users in the Microsoft 365 Admin center

  1. Deploy Kameleon Teams application in the Microsoft Teams Admin center (optional)

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