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Centralized Deployment of Kameleon Content Tool

Deploy Kameleon Content tool in the Microsoft 365 admin center.

Centralized Deployment is the recommended and most feature-rich way for most admins to deploy add-ins to users and groups within an organization.

Kameleon Content Tool is a add-in for the admin users to maintain Kameleon document contents.

Users must belong to admin or content admin group in Kameleon portal to have priviledge to use the tool. Maintaining users and user groups are described here


Deployment is technically done the same way as Kameleon Office add-in but different manifest must be used.

  1. Check Office requirements

  2. Deploy Kameleon Content Tool using the admin center

Use manifest below to deploy Kameleon Content Tool

How to use Kameleon Content Tool

All Kameleon Content Tool features are described here

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