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New Word template to Kameleon (short formula)

If the document category has default values (smart folder defaults), you can drag the old document into the document category and the template that is created will use the settings defined in the category - for example, margins, styles and metadata.

Of course, you can change some values, for example choose whether to add a logo or you can add metadata fields if necessary.

Please note that the direct formats made to the document are preserved. If the document uses the same styles as the layout template, they will adapt to the layout template.

Old document

  1. The title of the document and the first paragraph have been written in normal style. The text has been formatted to look as desired using direct formats.

  2. Headings have been written using Heading styles and second paragraphs have been written using the style Indent 1.

  3. Old logo

  4. Incorrect header

  5. Incorrect footer


Drag the old document to the portal

  • Drag the document to the portal

  • Check the default values

  • Open with Content tool and edit if necessary. You can for instance add placeholders or use styles in the document.

Kameleon document

When user creates a new document:

  1. The title of the document and the first paragraphs retain the old formatting, because in the original document they were formatted directly in the document without using styles.

  2. Headings and second paragraphs have the correct style (font Arial and the correct size), because the text has been written using the same style that is in the layout template.

  3. The logo has been changed to company’s new logo

  4. The header is correct

  5. The footer is correct

In addition, the correct metadata is provided to the document and the document is saved in the agreed location if the saving control is enabled.


Publish your document template

If everything is ok, publish your document.

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