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Publish document to SharePoint or Teams

Publish document

Use Publish -button if the feature to publish to SharePoint or Teams is in use in your company.

  1. Filename consists of predefined metafields (information fields). It can be changed.

  2. It’s possible to publish PDF document same time to same location

  3. Choose the location (SharePoint or Teams)

  4. Click Publish -button


After publishing the document, you can open it (note that after publishing the unpublished document remains open).


When you publish first time with Kameleon’s publishing, Kameleon Add-in asks permission to open the document. You can tick Always remember my choice for this application and select Open.


When opening a document from SharePoint or Teams, you’ll see the Document Last modified -information.


Republish your document

When you edit published document, the changes are saved automatically if the AutoSave-option is turned on. If not, you can save your changes with Ctrl+S or with Word’s Save-button.

Publish button is disabled for already published document.


Republish your pdf-document

If you have already published the pdf of the document, you can republish it with Publish PDF -button.


Open the location of the published document

After the document is published, you can open the publishing location by clicking Open location.


The metadata of the document is seen in the SharePoint library or teams channel, assuming that the library has fields corresponding to the document.


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