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October 2024

Admin user

Content tool open UX

Content Tool open panel is simplified and shows all editable content in one tree view. User can quickly find correct content with filters.

If user has active Kameleon-document opened in Office-application it is shown as recommended action in Content Tool.


Content tool applies layout template styles to content document

Layout template styles are applied automatically to Word and Excel documents when opened with Content Tool. This ensures that admin user sees document content with same styles as used when end user generates the document.

Combined metafield syntax

Combined metafield syntax is changed to use Mustache-templating syntax. Mustache templates support more complex scenarios and enable us to handle different use cases. Existing metafields are automatically converted to new syntax. Details and examples can be seen at Combined metafields-page.

E.g. old syntax {{f1|"-"}}{{f2}} when converted to new syntax {{#f1}}{{f1}}-{{/f1}}{{f2}}

Terms can be used in new places

JavaScript errors detected

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