April 2024
End user
Convert document PREVIEW
User can now recreate any document with convert document functionality.
Legacy Kameleon documents will be converted to be compatible with current version
When e.g. layout templates are used to manage brand for documents, convert document will recreate the document with latest brand.
Author can be changed for current document

NOTE: Convert document will not modify the existing document, but creates new document
NOTE: Converted document is sent to Kameleon API and processed there
Admin user
Integrations moved under Data-section in main navigation
Statistics and Audit logs moved under Monitoring-section in main navigation
Admin user has now better visibility and control what will be published. There’s no more separate page for versions, but publish can be started directly from Portal header by pressing Publish-button.

From Publish-panel user can see what has changed since last publish and choose one or more subjects that are published to end users.

History for publish operations can be seen in audit logs

Slides editable in Content tool
Admin user can now open slides for editing directly from Content Tool