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Visma Sign

This article describes how to enable digital signatures for Kameleon using Visma Sign.

Get API key

Your company needs to have a registered Visma Sign account to use Digital Signatures with Kameleon.

To connect your Visma Sign account to Kameleon, you need to acquire a Client Id and Secret. To get them, complete the form found at:

Kameleon Portal

Configure Visma Sign integration

  1. Open Kameleon Portal

  2. Select Other > Integrations from left navigation

  3. Select Digital signatures -tab on the top of the page

  4. Press Config-button to open Visma Sign configuration panel

  5. Copy Client id and Secret to the fields inside the panel from your Visma Sign account

  6. Press Save-button on the bottom of the panel

Enable users to use Visma Sign

Only users who have been granted permission can create Visma Sign invitations. To have permission, user has to be inside an user group with signee-role enabled. To enable users to use Visma Sign:

  1. Open Kameleon Portal

  2. Select Users > User groupsfrom left navigation

  3. Add users to a group with a signee-role enabled

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