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User provisioning

This article describes how Azure AD user provisioning can be enabled for Kameleon

Kameleon Portal

  1. Open Kameleon Portal

  2. Select Other > Integrations from left navigation

  3. Press Generate token button to generate SCIM token

Azure AD

  1. Open

  2. Select Enterprise applications from left navigation

  3. Select Create your own application

  4. Choose Integrate any other application you don't find in the gallery (Non-gallery) and press Create-button

Users and groups

Azure AD provisioning by default synchronizes only users and groups added to enterprise application.

  1. Choose Manage > Users & groups from left navigation

  2. Press Add user/group -button from toolbar

  3. Select Users and groups and add any users/groups to enterprise application that you want to sync to Kameleon


  1. Choose Manage > Provisioning from left navigation

  2. Press Get started button

  3. Choose Automatic as Provisioning Mode

  4. Press Test Connection-button to verify connection

  5. Press Save-button

  6. Press Start provisioning to enable provisioning


  • Azure AD synchronizes users and user groups every 40 minutes

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