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September 2024

Admin user

Language specific logos

Company information now supports language specific logos. When document is created content language is used to select specific logo from company information.

If there is no language specific logos, simply same logo can be used for each language


Category metafield default values

Document category supports now metafield specific default values. Metafield default values are resolved in following order

  1. Content overriden metafield default value

  2. Category metafield default value

  3. Metagroup metafield default value

Category metafield default values are only used when content is linked with category metagroups


Manage visibility of categories based on user groups

Phrase-, Slide-, Image- and Attachment-categories now support user group specific visibility in same way as Document-categories.



  • Proofing language is set to all document elements and styles when document is generated based on document language.

  • Subject summary info name is now supported for metafields

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